Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Embracing Suffering, Sharing Hope
We are called to reflect on the experience of suffering and the mission of Christ to bring healing and hope. Our readings for this Sunday guide us on a journey through the depths of human despair and the transcendent power of divine compassion. In the Book of Job, we encounter the voice of a man who cries out to God for understanding and solace amid his suffering. Job's words resonate with the universal human experience of pain, loss, and the search for meaning in the face of adversity. His lamentation reminds us that suffering is integral to our earthly journey, calling us to turn to God in moments of despair. In St. Paul's letter to the Corinthians, we find the Apostle Paul's unwavering commitment to the mission of Christ. He willingly embraces suffering to spread the Gospel, become all things to all people, and offer hope to the lost and broken. Paul's example teaches us that the proclamation of the Good News often involves sharing in the suffering of others and extending Christ's love to those in need. In Mark's Gospel, we witness Jesus' ministry of healing and transformation in the Gospel. He touches the lives of those suffering, bringing physical and spiritual healing. Through his actions and retreat for prayer, Jesus reveals to us the profound connection between embracing suffering and fulfilling the mission of bringing God's love to the world. As we gather around the Eucharistic table, we open our hearts to the reality of suffering in our lives and the lives of others. Let us also draw inspiration from the mission of Christ, who calls us to be instruments of healing and hope in a world yearning for the transformative power of God's love. Let us unite our sufferings, joys, and hopes with the suffering and mission of Christ, trusting that through our shared journey, we can find solace, strength, and the promise of eternal hope (fr.va).
Family Connection:
How can our family, in life's challenges and suffering, embody Christ's message of love, compassion, and hope to one another and those in our community?
Lord, guide us to share love, compassion and hope in suffering.
Supplica to the Most Holy Name of Jesus
31 January 2024

The Supplica is part of the Rogationist Spirituality that highlights the importance of cultivating grateful hearts and confidence to make petitions to the Heavenly Father through the Name of Jesus. May this devotion enable us all to discover the power and the awareness of living in the divine presence through the invocation of the Name of Jesus (fr.va).

Altar Servers’ Meeting
04 February 2024, 12.30-03.00 PM (Hall)
Baptism Seminar Schedule
Baptism Seminars for parents of children up to 6 years old. Saturday, 10th of February at 03.00 PM in the Church Sacristy. To register, please email your name and the name and age of your child to:westcliff@brcdt.org
Easter Hamper
Support our Easter Hamper for parish upkeep. Buy tickets: £1 each or £5 per strip. More tickets, more chances to win! Your contribution makes a difference. Thank you for your generosity!
Knanaya Catholic Malayalam Community Mass
09 March 2024, 04.00 PM
Dates for your diary……
Bereavement Group Meeting
10 February in the small hall
10.30 AM – 12.00 NN
All welcome
CWL Valentines Day tea and coffee
Sunday 11th February
Ash Wednesday
14 February
Stations of the Cross
Starting 16th February
Youth Encounter Gathering
13-14 July

Confirmation Day
20 July
155th Anniversary of Saint Helen’s Church, Westcliff-on-Sea
17-18 August

A series of 4 talks on the recent Synod on Synodality, which took place in Rome last October, has been organised for the Holy Lenten season this year.
We have managed to secure 4 speakers
who were participants at the Synod.
Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP, (Wednesday 21st February 2024) who was appointed by the Pope as the Guest Preacher and Spiritual Director for the whole Synod;
The Revd Dr Jan Nowotnik (Wednesday 28th February 2024) Director of Mission for the Bishops’ Conference, and its National Ecumenical Officer;
Mr Austen Ivereigh (Wednesday 6th March 2024) Roman Catholic Journalist, Biographer of Pope Francis; Writer, speaker on contemporary Church affairs and
Bishop Nicholas Hudson (Wednesday 13th March 2024) Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster, (former Rector of the Ven English College, Rome), appointed delegate at the Synod last October.
All the Talks will take place at Brentwood Cathedral at 7.30pm. Considering the Bishop’s Pastoral Letter recently this will be a wonderful opportunity to learn about the Synod on Synodality, and this invitation is open to the whole Diocese.
Job Vacancies
Deputy Headteacher – St Anne Line Catholic Infant School & Nursery, BasildonDeadline for applications: 4:00 pm, Friday 26th January 2024
Headteacher – St Francis Primary School, MaldonDeadline for applications: 4:00 pm, Friday 26th January 2024
Headteacher – St Helen’s Primary School, Westcliff-on-SeaDeadline for applications: 9:00 am, Friday 2nd February 2024
Headteacher – St Joseph’s Primary School, Canvey IslandDeadline for applications: 12:00 pm, Wednesday 7th February 2024
Headteacher – St Patrick’s Primary School, Collier RowDeadline for applications: 12:00 (noon), Monday 12th February 2024
Job Vacancy
Little Company of Mary
11 - 13 Grosvenor Rd
Westcliff on Sea
We are recruiting for a maintenance person with good all-round DIY skills.
Basic knowledge of electrical, heating, plumbing and hot & cold-water service installations is required, with the ability to undertake all general and statutory maintenance checks on the various installations.
Previous experience in a similar role is desirable, preferably in a Care Home environment.
The successful candidate must have a good standard of record keeping and be able to work unsupervised.
Hours: 16 hours over 4 days (to be agreed)
Please submit your application to Icm.ef@btinternet.com
Pilgrimage to Italy
From 10th to 19th September 2024
Visiting Pisa, Florence, Assisi, and Rome
£ 1,795.00
Operated by Special Pilgrimages ‘Christian Tours’
For Inquiries, please contact:
Salvatore Burzotta 07753 203129
Sacrament of Confirmation:
Invitation to Join Our Catechist Team
Our parish is seeking enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers to join our team of catechists. Whether you are experienced or new to catechesis, your contribution will be invaluable in guiding and nurturing the faith journey of our community members.
To equip you for this role, we are organizing a special training session led by one of our parishioners, Carmel Allen, an experienced catechist and educator.
If you feel called to this ministry or would like to learn more, please approach Fr. Alex.
Friendship Club!
🌟 Join the Friendship Club of St. Helen's Parish in Westcliff! 🙌🏼 Discover meaningful connections and laughter every Tuesday, 11.00am-02.00pm at the Parish Hall.
All are welcome! ❤️

🌿 Got Green Fingers?🌱 Be a part of something beautiful at St. Helen's Parish in Westcliff. Join our team of volunteer gardeners and help cultivate a serene oasis. 🌸🌼
No Bubble Gum in the Church
Out of respect for our sacred space, bubble gum is prohibited within the Church premises. I appreciate your cooperation.
- A friendly reminder from the dedicated volunteer cleaners of Saint Helen’s Westcliff

📢 Vacancy for Cleaner
We urgently seek committed applicants, preferably with experience, for this vital role in our Parish. For those who are interested, please get in touch with Fr. Alex Poblador, RCJ.
New Parish Team Members
We warmly welcome
Kenneth Attwood
Health and Safety Officer
Benneth Chukwuemeka
Health and Safety Assistant
Lucy and Gary Watts
Safeguarding Representatives
Cherry Ann Castro
Finance Coordinator
They bring dedication and expertise to ensure our parish remains a safe and welcoming community. Join us in supporting them in their essential roles.
St. Helen’s Cleaners

Join the group chat to get the weekly schedule of volunteer cleaners.
100 Club winners
November Lucy Upsher £20, Charles Muscat £15 and Fabian Cassar £10,
December Christmas bonus Dympna Potter £30, Pat Volante £20, Pat Keyes £15 and Anna Baldan £10,
January Rita Conlon £20, Pat Keyes £15 and Pat Volante £10.
Thank you for continued support to fund the parish minibus.
St Helen’s Minibus Service
For parishioners of Saint Helen’s with mobility problems and wanted to attend the 11:30am Sunday Mass; - For those who are interested to join the team of volunteers, please contact Ray Newman on Tel. No.: 07775 769826
Many thanks to all who support the maintenance of our Parish Minibus. If you know anyone who needs a lift to church to 11.30 Mass, please let the office know and it will be handed on to Ray Newman.
Sacramental Services
· For Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals, please email our parish office or get in touch with any of the priests.
· Marriage Preparations: Couples who are planning to get married in or outside the parish should contact the parish office at least six (6) months in advance.
· The Sacrament of Reconciliation: Thursdays 10:45-11:25am; Saturdays 11:15-11:50am or approach the priest to get an appointment.
· The Sacrament of the Sick: Please contact the parish office for requests about visiting the housebound / Care Home residents.
Masses at Saint Helen’s
Weekday Masses: 10:00AM
Saturday Mass: 12:00NN
Sunday Mass: 09:30AM / 11:30AM / 06:00PM
2nd Mass on Holy Days: 07:00PM
No Mass on Mondays
Mass Intentions
For Any Mass Intentions, please see the priests or call them during office hours (Tuesdays to Fridays 9-1pm) Tel. No.: 01702 342324
Mass Intention Envelopes are available Mass Intentions are published in the parish newsletter (available for collection). It is also posted via Facebook Page of the Parish.
Contactless Giving (Temporarily Out of Service)
No cash? Give your donations using your card. Look for the one in-charge of the parish’s card reader and get a receipt on the go or visit the parish website.
Gift Aid Collection Envelopes
If you are a taxpayer and not currently in the gift aid scheme and would like to join and help the Parish, please complete a Declaration Form, which is be available for you to collect from the back of the church.
If you any further questions please contact
John Upsher phone 01702 347369
Gift for Saint Helen’s Church
Please consider Saint Helen’s Catholic Church as part of charity in your will. For more information, see the parish priest.

Sunday 4 February
09.30am – Children’s liturgy
12.30-03.00pm – Altar Server’s Meeting (Hall)
Monday 5 February
07.00-08.00pm – Adoration organized by FIHM (Adoration Chapel)
Tuesday 6 February
11.00am-02.00pm – Friendship Club (Hall)
06.00-07.30pm – Bible Study (Fr. Viktor)
Wednesday 7 February
10.30am - Church Cleaning (Volunteers are Welcome!)
05.00-06.00pm – First Holy Communion Session (Hall)
06.15- 07.30pm – Confirmation Session (Hall)
Thursday 8 February
10.30-11.30am – Adoration for Vocations
10.30-11.20am – Confession
07.00pm – Legion of Mary Meeting (Sacristy)
(For home visits, please get in touch with the parish)
Friday 9 February
03.00-04.00pm – Divine Mercy Devotion (Adoration Chapel)
07.30pm – Perpetual Novena to Sto Niño (Adoration Chapel)
Saturday 10 February
10.30am-12.00nn – Bereavement Group (Small Hall)
11.00-11.50am – Adoration organized by FIHM
11.15-11.50am – Confession
12.00nn – Holy Mass
03.00pm – Baptism Seminar
Sunday 11 February
09.30am – Children’s liturgy
10.30am – CWL Valentine’s Day tea and coffee
Note: Recitation of the Holy Rosary at the small chapel after the weekday Masses

4 Feb – 5th Sunday OT B (Green)
09.30am – For the Rogationist Congregation
11.30am – For +Benito Daitol Jr (RIP); for the FDZ Congregation
06.00pm – For Terence Murphy (RIP); Claire Blackmore (intentions)
6 Feb – Tue. Memorial. (Red)
St Paul Miki and Comps, Mm
10.00am – For George Mash (Sick); for +Mary Ellen Adams (RIP)
7 Feb – Wed. Feria (Green)
10.00am – For the Parishioners’ Intentions
8 Feb – Thur. Feria (Green)
Day of prayer for the victims of trafficking and those who combat it
10.00am – For More Vocations to the Religious and Priestly Life
9 Feb – Fri. Feria (Green)
10.00am – For the Parishioners’ Intentions
10 Feb – Sat. St. Scolastica. (White)
12.00nn – For Fr +Eric Bindloss Smith
11 Feb – 6th Sunday OT B (Green)
World day for the sick and Day of prayer for the unemployed
09.30am – For +Sally Hopkins (RIP); for the Rogationist Congregation;
11.30am – For the FDZ Congregation;
06.00pm – For the Parishioners’ Intentions
Cycle of Prayer
During Ordinary Time up to Lent, Brentwood Diocese asks to pray for these intentions:
Peace on Earth; Openness to the Word of God; Christian Unity; The Sick and Those Who Care for Them; Victims of Trafficking and Those who Work to Combat it; The Unemployed.
Prayer for the World Day for the Sick:
Heavenly Father, we pray to seek Your divine presence and healing grace. We lift those who are burdened with illness, pain, and suffering. May they find comfort and strength in Your unwavering love. Bless the hands of caregivers and healthcare professionals, inspiring them with compassion and skill. May the sick experience Your soothing touch, and may their journey be eased by the knowledge that they are never alone. Grant them healing in body, mind, and spirit. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
Prayer for the Unemployed:
Lord God, we humbly come before You, mindful of those facing the challenges of joblessness and economic hardship. We ask for Your guidance, wisdom, and provision for employment seekers. Grant them the opportunity to use their talents and skills to support their families and contribute to the well-being of society. May Your grace sustain the unemployed and inspire us to work toward a world where every person can find meaningful work and dignity. In Your name, we pray. Amen.