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Bible Study on the Sunday Readings

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Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

21 January 2024

The central theme for this set of readings is "Repentance, God's Mercy, and Radical Transformation," which is reflected in the repentance of Nineveh, the disciples' immediate response to Jesus, and Paul's call to focus on the eternal rather than the transient.


First Reading: Jonah 3:1-5, 10

In this reading from the Book of Jonah, we witness Jonah's reluctant mission to Nineveh. He delivers a message of impending doom, urging the people to repent and turn away from their wickedness. The people of Nineveh respond to Jonah's call, repent, and change their ways, which leads to God's mercy and forgiveness. It underscores the idea that when people genuinely repent and turn back to God, He will show them mercy and forgiveness.


Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 7:29-31

In this passage from Paul's letter to the Corinthians, Paul discusses the transient nature of the world and its passing form. He urges the Corinthians to live in the present world while recognizing its temporary nature, focusing on spiritual matters and their relationship with God. It reminds us that worldly concerns and priorities are temporary, emphasizing the need to focus on our relationship with God.


Gospel: Mark 1:14-20

The Gospel reading from Mark recounts the beginning of Jesus' ministry, where He calls Simon and Andrew, James and John to become His disciples. They immediately leave their occupations to follow Jesus, signifying a radical change in their lives and priorities. Just as the people of Nineveh repented in the First Reading, the call to repentance and turning to God is echoed in the Gospel when Jesus calls His disciples. It's a call for a change in direction and a new way of life.


The cultural and literary context of Mark 1:14-20 highlights the accessibility of Jesus' message to ordinary people, His authority, the urgency of repentance, and the transformative nature of discipleship. The passage is a powerful example of how responding to Jesus' call can lead to radical change and a life devoted to His teachings. Here are some nuances of Interpretation:


1. Call of Ordinary People: By calling fishermen, Jesus demonstrates that His message is not limited to the religious elite. He chooses ordinary working-class individuals as His first disciples, emphasizing that His message and call are accessible to all.


2. Authority of Jesus: The fact that the disciples immediately leave their livelihoods to follow Jesus underscores His authority and the compelling nature of His call. Leaving everything behind signifies a radical transformation and total commitment to Jesus.


3. Urgency of Repentance: The message Jesus proclaims is one of repentance and the arrival of the kingdom of God. The immediate response of the disciples underscores the urgency of this message. It invites people to turn their lives around and align with God's kingdom.


4. Discipleship as a Journey: While the passage focuses on the call of the disciples, it also implies a journey of growth and transformation. The disciples are called now, but they will continue to learn and develop as they follow Jesus throughout His ministry.



1. Am I willing to respond to Jesus' call, like the disciples in the Gospel, with immediate and wholehearted commitment? What areas of my life require me to leave behind my old ways and prioritize following Him?


2. How can I make Jesus' message of repentance and the kingdom of God more central in my daily life? What practical steps can I take to align my actions and priorities with His teachings and values?


Family Connection:

1. As a family, how can we collectively respond to Jesus' call for discipleship and prioritize our commitment to Him above all else? What changes or adjustments can we make to better follow His teachings in our family life?


2. In what ways can our family actively promote a sense of urgency in embracing repentance and God's kingdom in our communal life? How can we support one another in growing as disciples and fostering a more Christ-centered family environment?


Prayer: Lord, guide us as devoted disciples, living Your teachings with love.

Getting to Know Saint Hannibal Mary Di Francia:

(From the Father's Soul, 426)

Away with the Jonahs

One Jonah was more than enough in a ship to make a storm rise, threatening the ship with sinking. Only when Jonah was thrown overboard did the storm die down. If I permit the sharing in my institute by the people who have no fear of God, who disregard the religious duties, who are defiled by transgressions of divine law I have good reason to fear that God and divine providence will cut the help, letting the storm sink us. But I am determined to expel the Jonahs for our common interest. To save the others, I have to cut the corrupted member who attracts divine punishments. If I do not behave this way, I will render an account to the Lord, who will punish me.

My dearest brothers and sisters:

Even though I am an unworthy minister of the Lord, I feel confident that you will receive my words as a beneficial warning from our Lord Jesus Christ, who wants to drive you on a better way of living. Your being observant of the Christian law attracts the divine blessings on you during this life, making you worthy of eternal salvation (Vol. 3, page l33).




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